
Letter: Stupidity - The Suburban Times
Submitted by William Elder.

Ignorance is a condition we all suffer from, to one degree or another. Atomic physics we sort of know about, along with cardiovascular surgery, and the square-root of 219999999999, but not much. Most of us vaguely know such things exist, that they may by chance involve us somehow, but not why, when, nor what the outcome might be. But ignorance we can learn our way around. We do it every day in a hundred ways. We have proven our species edicable. It is our triumph!

Stupidity is another behavior altogether. For stupidity is self-willed ignorance— to know better, to see the error, but to follow it over the cliff of ignorance anyhow. And to suffer the consequences wide-eyed and determined. Even cheering. It has happened far too often in Human history to ignore or say, nah, never mind. Nail a truth-telling guy to a cross for defying a minor Roman magistrate and call it a good day’s justice is but one minor example of Human stupidity. The world-wide stumble into World War One is another. How do we dare choose among our failures for solace, for comfort?

No, we stumble on, doing the best we can, using the best understanding of the moment and our grasp of it, collectively and in the individual strained grappling between our hearts and our self-preservation. Be clear— this moment of decision, in this national election, casts not even a pale glimmer on the crucifixion of Jesus Christ nor on the sacrifices of the thousands in the First World War— not by any tortured interpretation of the extent of Human folly laid down for all of us to read and digest— but it is our moment to live through, live up to, act in, and be recorded in and known for in the one and only history which we are privileged to live. Seize it!

In the short story of the American Republic this is our chapter. The current administration has proven itself the enemy of our established Constitutional norms and all-cherished practices of governance. If allowed four more years, Trump and his corrupt appointees will succeed in replacing those Constitutional norms with nothing less than fascism. I gag to say so, but the steady flow of decrees, restrictions of rights, self-serving fiats, and greedy profiteering without shame or conscience say so too clearly otherwise. Trump must go on the garbage of American history, where he belongs. He has packed the Senate, gutted Republican claims to national loyalty. He has packed the lower judiciary. He has now packed the Supreme Court. He has tried to suppress the electorate, rig the election in his favor, and refused to surrender power if defeated. What is left? I’ll tell you what is left. Pissed off American voters, is what! Piss now on a worthy target, Donald J. Trump! Come November 3rd, Election Day, relieve yourselves of this man.

The views expressed in this article are the writer’s own.

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November 02, 2020 at 04:08AM

Letter: Stupidity - The Suburban Times
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