
The diss at Adams turned into Smart getting photoshopped over pictures from the 1800s.

Marcus Smart extension
Marcus Smart had some things to say about John Adams. AP Photo/Corey Sipkin

What began as Marcus Smart having an interaction with a fan on Twitter turned into something bigger Friday night into Saturday.

Smart was asked on Twitter for advice on how to be a better defender. The two-time All-Defensive first team member shared that being a good defender takes “a wholelotta ‘want to.’ Get every 50/50 ball. If you’re not [quick] defensively—get strong. Strength hides weaknesses. Take charges. Be a [great] teammate. Compete.”

Smart ended the tweet by taking a dig at John Adams.

“Never be ok w[ith] losing. No one remembers the 2nd US President. Only the 1st,” Smart wrote.

Of course, Adams was the second president in the country’s history, serving after George Washington from 1797-1801.


Shortly after sending the tweet, fans joked about the shade Smart threw at Adams.

“Gonna need weird Celtics Twitter so get me in a 1800s pic w rosy cheeks and higher edge in a inspirational pose,” Smart replied to a tweet that had a drawing of Adams with a stoic look on his face.

Smart continued to rib on Adams, writing that “John probably walks the dog. (No offense John).” (In basketball, walking the dog is when a player lets the ball roll on the court before picking it up to dribble).

Not all of the responses to Smart’s original tweet were positive, according to Smart.


“About 4 historians have ‘@’ me. Luckily they don’t play ball,” Smart wrote in another tweet. “They just [mad emoji] that 2nd < 1st. Only time 1st is worse than 2nd is when u openin that fresh loaf of Wonder Bread.

Smart did appear to give some props to Adams, a Massachusetts native, for a saying he made to his son, John Quincy Adams.

“John’s legit. George still beat him. George #1,” Smart wrote in one tweet.

“‘The smell of the midnight lamp is very unwholesome. Never defraud yourself of sleep, nor your walk.’ – John (2nd place) Adams. 2021 translate- get off your consoles at 2am,” Smart wrote in another tweet, with a photoshopped image of his head of what appears to be on Adams’s body.

But still, Smart wants everyone to know that Washington was the first president of America, defeating Adams in the 1789 presidential election.


“John Adams gonna be ok. But he still 2nd place,” Smart wrote in a tweet.

Smart continued his battle against Adams on Saturday.

“Good morning everyone, especially President Washington! 1>2,” Smart wrote.