
Dear Democrats: Please Don't Do Stupid - OB Rag

By Collen O’Connor

Democrats need to outrun the “raw sewage flooding the public square,” that former President Obama cited in a recent speech.

Seriously, Democrats need a winnable “three-word,” Trump-like campaign slogan, akin to James Carville’s, “It’s the economy, stupid,” to avoid massive losses come November.

Three words seem to be the maximum allowed for memory retention in the metaverse of disinformation, lies, and depravity now dominating the social media and some fake news outlets.

The Republicans only have “fear” to drive their voters to the poll.  Think: caravans of immigrants at the border; inflation; omnipresent homeless in the streets; random acts of mayhem; crime; forest fires; assaults on the capital, etc.

The Republicans have lots of campaign ammo.  All the Democrats need to do is avoid the “stupid” trap.  A trap that energizes the angry Trump votes and independents to vote.

For example, just avoid taking on incendiary items before the 2022 election. Wait a bit. Tackle them later.

Here goes a simple idea.  Three words to the seriously imperiled Democratic majority in the House the Senate and Executive Office suite.

“Don’t Do Stupid.”

First, what is the rush to do stupid things before the November election?  Can’t you just wait, delay, or follow the Trumpian go-to formula and put it in the black hole of the federal courts?

Let the judges take the hit.  The 6-3 conservative Supreme Court will side with the GOP anyway.

Send the most incendiary items into legal limbo.

Why attack the most popular Trumpian Items and why now?

For example, Title 42:

“Title 42 is a U.S. Code that relates to public health and welfare…which can prohibit the entry or “introduction” of non-citizens in the interest of public health if there is a “quarantinable communicable disease” in a foreign country and “serious danger” that it can be introduced into the United States.”

Read Covid-19 pandemic.

The border immigration surge (so prominently featured in news spreads) has been corralled for the last two years.  You remember the scenes.  Remember the fear?

Just avoid taking on incendiary items before the 2022 election.  Wait a bit.  Tackle them later.

Do what Republicans do best.  Stall.  Don’t legislate.

Next up in the class of “stupid.” Student loan forgiveness.

Seriously, already several Democrats have jumped ship on this idea.  Why?  Because it is not just stupid.  It is also not fair and, as Senator Mitt Romney (who voted to convict Donald Trump) argued, it is a sign of desperation.

What’s next Romney asks?

“Other bribe suggestions: Forgive auto loans? Forgive credit card debt? Forgive mortgages? And put a wealth tax on the super-rich to pay for it all. What could possibly go wrong?”

This from a Republican who voted to convict Trump.

Many Democrats are already breaking ranks on this “stupid” item.  More damning for the campaign, how is this fair to those millions of graduates that paid off their loans over the last 10 or 20 years?

Those students who worked odd jobs (while going to college); were responsible enough not take out ridiculous loans with ridiculous interest rates; saved up and faithfully paid their debts; why aren’t they entitled to the same “bribe?”  Shouldn’t they get “reparations?”

Go figure how this is even remotely popular in an election year.

Elizabeth Warren isn’t the only Senator warning the Democrats that the “House is on fire.”

Stupid. There is no other word for it.

Finally, there is the Biden administration’s phase out the incandescent lightbulbs championed by the trump administration.

The Department of Energy said the move will save consumers money on their electricity bills, and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions from power plants that contribute to climate change.

Correct and well intentioned, but stupid!

With the war in Ukraine, countless refugees, unimaginable bitcoin electricity usage (roughly the annual output of 23 coal-fired power plants, or close to what is consumed by the nation of Finland”; massive forest fires, ocean pollution, and extreme weather events, a new lightbulb won’t save us.

Help.  Please, Democrats “Don’t Do Stupid.”

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April 29, 2022 at 10:49PM

Dear Democrats: Please Don't Do Stupid - OB Rag
"stupid" - Google News

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