The list of President Trump's accomplishments is long and would be longer if he hadn't had to fight off what we now know was a Democrat-created Russian collusion investigation. He is often regarded as one of our finest foreign policy presidents. Unfortunately, he partially offsets that with foolish tweets.

But no wonder representative Katko supports most of these policies. He'd be a fool if he didn't. Plus, of course, he's a Republican like most of us here in Scipio. In addition to being the likeable, smart, independent thinking and very hard working incumbent, it's important to appreciate that he is an incumbent. This is how Washington works. You keep your job for a while while your importance becomes stronger. Then you head committees and work your way up to speaker. You also bring prestige and benefits for your district.

John Katko brings impressive presence to our area. Dana Balter could never reach those heights and has questionable honesty. It would be an embarrassment to not reelect this fine public servant.

Ronald E. Curvin